Thursday, January 5, 2012

Watercooler: Is There a New Romance Brewing on Happy Endings?

Happy Endings Did you guys catch that last night?!For their long-awaited return, Happy Endings' Chicago crew stuck several skewers into the cliched silliness of big-screen rom-coms by juxtaposing Brad and Alex's secret love of Heigl-caliber crapfests with Dave and Penny's face-off over dating one another's therapists. But amid all the spot-on spoofery ("and that's how I almost married my best friend's fiancé!"), there was one honest moment that had us wondering if we were witnessing the birth of a new couple among our Happy family.After their respective dates collapsed - in standard-issue romantic-comedy chaos at a restaurant - Dave and Penny wandered home together, passing the requisite fountain bedecked in twinkling lights, as they laughed about their own tragic love lives. And for just a moment, it seemed like they might just...something. Kiss? Silently acknowledge an attraction? Break into a slow dance, as a gentle rain started to fall? Instead, they just kept on walking, leaving us to wonder if the writers are setting the stage for some sort of Chandler-Monica pairing. Think about it. He's Alex's ex, she's his roomie's best friend. It screams rom-com. But unlike most of those cliché-riddled movies, this combo could actually be screamingly funny.What do you think? Should Dave and Penny give it a go?Subscribe to TV Guide Magazine now!

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